My Y-wing Swarm

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Hello and welcome to my post!

It’s going to be a bit of a short one today.  Life’s been busy and I haven’t played a lot of X-Wing in lately.  But I have a fun game I played a while ago that I want to write about.  

Draft League Update

I do want to give an update on my draft league team first.  Team Order 66 lost our game last week, but it didn’t matter as we already had our playoff spot clinched.  First round of the playoffs we’d be playing the Foxes.  

Now let me tell you, I don’t like playing the Foxes in the first round of the playoffs.  The Foxes ended my first two seasons in the first round of the playoffs.  Specifically my game against the Foxes’ FO player.  With me having to win my game to push it to the final game of the series.  Thankfully, I’m playing their Republic players, so I think the curse is broken.  

Anyway, we are currently up 2-0, and hoping to finish it before my game this weekend.  

The Batrep

It all started when I saw this combo on an NCX stream game.  

Anakin Skywalker (Y-Wing) (6)    

    Instinctive Aim (2)    

    Ion Cannon Turret (5)    

    Plasma Torpedoes (5)    

    Weapons Systems Officer (5)    

    R4-P Astromech (2)    

    Synchronized Console (1)    

Ship Cost: 6  Loadout: (20/20)  Half Points: 3  Damage Threshold: 4    

“Odd Ball” (Y-Wing) (4)    

    Dorsal Turret (2)    

    Proton Torpedoes (12)    

    Agile Gunner (1)    

    R4-P Astromech (2)    

    Synchronized Console (1)    

Ship Cost: 4  Loadout: (18/18)  Half Points: 2  Damage Threshold: 4    

Total: 10    

View in YASB: 

The rest of the was SOC Wolffe, SOC Jag, and Slider.  The cool combo is Anakin can instinctive aim his torp, get a lock out of nowhere from WSO, and then pass it to Oddball for his torps.  Seems fun.  

After chatting about this with my squadron, my friend and Maverick Squardon founder, Elijah, gave me a challenge.  His list-building signature is chassis spamming.  He loves to see how many copies of a ship he can find in a list.  He said, “Levi, see if you can make an all-Republic Y-wing list, or at least all plus one other ship.”  I haven’t made a super janky list in a while, I was up for it.  

The first thing I did was put all named pilots in a list.  It’s 3 points over.  I could remove a 3-pointer and make it a 5-ship list.  But that didn’t feel right.  If I remove Anakin, I can put in a 3-pointer of a different ship.  V-wing’s can take bombs, so that seemed like a logical choice.  

I now have my pilots, Contrail in the V-wing and Oddball, Broadside, Matchstick, R2-D2, and Goji for my Y-wing pilots.  

For loadout, I was thinking ion cannons and bombs.  I also thought this might be a good time to try to get Goji’s ability to work.  So delayed fuses as I could fit.  

“Odd Ball” (Y-Wing) (4)    

    Ion Cannon Turret (5)    

    Plasma Torpedoes (5)    

    Clone Commander Cody (4)    

    R3 Astromech (3)    

    Synchronized Console (1)    

Ship Cost: 4  Loadout: (18/18)  Half Points: 2  Damage Threshold: 4    

“Broadside” (3)    

    Ion Cannon Turret (5)    

    Concussion Bombs (4)    

    Delayed Fuses (1)    

Ship Cost: 3  Loadout: (10/10)  Half Points: 1  Damage Threshold: 4    

“Matchstick” (3)    

    Ion Cannon Turret (5)    

    Concussion Bombs (4)    

Ship Cost: 3  Loadout: (9/9)  Half Points: 1  Damage Threshold: 4    

R2-D2 (3)    

    Ion Cannon Turret (5)    

    Concussion Bombs (4)    

Ship Cost: 3  Loadout: (9/9)  Half Points: 1  Damage Threshold: 4    

“Goji” (4)    

    Ion Cannon Turret (5)    

    Agile Gunner (1)    

    Concussion Bombs (4)    

    Thermal Detonators (5)    

    Delayed Fuses (1)    

Ship Cost: 4  Loadout: (16/16)  Half Points: 2  Damage Threshold: 4    

“Contrail” (3)    

    Elusive (4)    

    Delayed Fuses (1)    

    Alpha-3B “Besh” (1)    

    Thermal Detonators (5)    

Ship Cost: 3  Loadout: (11/11)  Half Points: 1  Damage Threshold: 2    

Total: 20    

View in YASB: 

Yup, that’s the list.  It’s something!

That’s a lot of cards!

I got to play my friend Michael, who brought something a little more mainstream.  

Wedge Antilles (BoE) (5)    

    It’s A Trap! (BoE) (0)    

    Predator (0)    

    Adv. Proton Torpedoes (0)    

    R2-A3 (BoE) (0)    

Ship Cost: 5  Loadout: (0)  Half Points: 2  Damage Threshold: 3    

Tycho Celchu (BoE) (4)    

    It’s A Trap! (BoE) (0)    

    Juke (0)    

    Proton Rockets (0)    

    Chaff Particles (BoE) (0)    

Ship Cost: 4  Loadout: (0)  Half Points: 2  Damage Threshold: 2    

Gina Moonsong (BoE) (5)    

    It’s A Trap! (BoE) (0)    

    Juke (0)    

    Proton Torpedoes (0)    

    Ion Bombs (0)    

Ship Cost: 5  Loadout: (0)  Half Points: 2  Damage Threshold: 4    

Braylen Stramm (BoE) (4)    

    It’s A Trap! (BoE) (0)    

    Homing Missiles (0)    

    Proton Bombs (0)    

    Delayed Fuses (0)    

Ship Cost: 4  Loadout: (0)  Half Points: 2  Damage Threshold: 4    

Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter) (2)    

Ship Cost: 2  Loadout: (0/3)  Half Points: 1  Damage Threshold: 1    

Total: 20    

View in YASB: 

We both have no idea how to handle my list.  I line everything up.  I think Contrail can rush out in front and drop some delayed fused thermals to get Goji’s ability going.  

Very intimidating!

I did have to use almost everyone’s turn 1 action to rotate.  I guessed wrong on turn 0. Tycho came out fast on the Rebel’s side, but everyone else went slow.  

I’m so bad at guess which way to point the turrets.

Contrail dropped bombs, hoping to tag Tycho.  But Tycho saw it coming and ran.  Since the Rebels went slow, it gave me a turn to lock up Matchstick.  Contrail and Oddball had decent shots on Sabine.  I think they did a damage.  

One straight to victory.

This turn I realize I needed to get into turret position.  Oddball moves up.  Contrail continues to book it across the board.  I wish I had saved his bombs for this or the next turn.  But he did arc dodge the B-wings and that was good.  Also, Broadside dropped a bomb in case Sabine tried to take the long way around.  

One of the game’s highlights was Matchstick rolling 4 green dice when Wedge shot him.  One, plus one for obstruction, and 2 for Goji’s ability.  

Never has a Y-wing rolled so many greens!

Goji is the primary target and takes a lot of early damage.  I’m able to take out Sabine.  

So it begins.

So at this point, I cheat a little.  R2 does not have delayed fuses.  I don’t think it affected the game, but still.  I also had to use proton bomb tokens for all the concussions I dropped.  

It’s only 8 bombs on the board.

It’s going to be a scrum.  Not a whole lot to do about it.  Matchstick heads straight up to keep Wedge and Tycho honest.  Wedge runs and Tycho comes in slow.  Contrail gets turned around.  Everyone else moves up.  Oddball goes fast to not self-bump and bumps Braylen.  Side note he did get one plasma off the whole game.  

Goji goes down and damage starts going out on the other Y-wings and the B-wings.  

Poor Goji. He just wanted for everyone to roll extra greens.

Contrail took a shield from Braylen’s proton last turn and thankfully Braylen fused the next one.  There’s a lot more bumping of the Bs and Ys.  I think Oddball friendly bumped.  Matchstick continues to turn towards the aces.  Wedge gets turned around and Tycho comes in.  Gina dropped an ion bomb that got a few ships.  Of course, I have concussion bombs everywhere, constantly going off.  

Key points.  Matchstick ioned Tycho.  Gina takes a lot of plink damage, including the three damage Contrail did in his attack.  

There was much self bombing this day.

We have another turn of a thousand bombs. There were bombs on the board almost every turn, but some turns had more than others!  

Only 6 bombs for this turn.

Contrail makes a run for it.  There’s lots of bumping.  Gina goes down from bombs and Tycho goes down with bomb, ion rock combo.  Braylen is headed in the wrong direction.  All my Ys are headed towards Wedge’s way.  

Wedge did get his double-modded APT shot on Matchstick.  But he had to boost to get it and, with a little luck, Matchstick survives on one.  

Things are actually starting to look good.

Matchstick has a beautiful 4k lined up to get behind Wedge.  The rest of the Ys move up.  Contrail goes for a bump and misses.  Braylen comes around.  Wedge hard turns to avoid the debris.  I don’t remember what his health looked like.  I know that he was never ionized, but there was some plinking that happened.  

The swarm is coming for Wedge.

Last turn.  The Ys close in on Wedge.  Braylen can’t get around fast enough.  Wedge goes down, plinked to death.  I don’t remember the score, just that I got 20 or more this turn.  

The swarm is successful!

That was a game.  I can’t remember the last time I made a janky list that was so much fun!  It was truly a death-by-a-thousand-cuts list between the ion cannons and bombs.  And the overabundance of ion helped control things.  

The game’s biggest highlight was that everyone with bombs dropped them all, except Goji.  Gina’s 2 ion, Braylen’s 2 proton, Broadside, R2, and Matchstick’s 3 concussion, and Contrail’s 4 thermals.  Plus Goji’s one concussion.  That’s 18 bombs by the end of the game.  Beautiful.  

I should note that we didn’t set a timer for this game.  I think we ended up going for 2 and a half hours.  But with all the bombs, I don’t think there was any other way to get a full game in.  

I want to fly this list again.  I haven’t had time yet, but I will.  I will switch some things up.  Oddball might switch Cody for VTG.  I am contemplating switching Matchstick and R2’s bombs to seismic so they can take fuses.  I think more bombs are better than fuses, but still worth a try.  Though R2 can take bomblet but I don’t love dice-rolling bombs.  I don’t know.  I guess we’ll just have to see!  

That’s the game!  It was crazy but both Michael and I had a great time.  Mostly laughing at how janky this list is.  It was great.  

One Last Thing

There is one thing I want to mention before wrapping up.  To be honest, I feel weird doing this but it seems to be the thing with content creators.  

I have officially started a Patreon.  I’m very passionate about X-Wing and I would happily do this blog without any financial reimbursement.  But my wife is insistent that I can make a little something with this.  She is normally right about these kinds of things.  So here we go.  

I did wait till the end of the blog to share this, to show that I don’t want to make this a priority.  I will continue to make the blog regardless, but if anyone wants to support me that would be awesome!  

I don’t have prizes for it right now.  Mostly because I hate shipping stuff.  But if there’s enough interest I can start making some alt arts for it.  I’ve been making them for a while and I like to think I’ve gotten good at it.

Anyway, it’s whatever.  I’m just here to play the game I love for as long as I can!  And also write a blog about it, and TO events for it, and a whole bunch of other stuff too! 

ObiWin.XWing Patreon 

Thank you for reading!  We’ll see where my janky Y-wing swarm goes!

Levi “Obi-Win” out!

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