Player Resources

This page is a series of links.  The guide section has specific links to videos and blogs that zero in on different aspects of the game.  The guides go a little more in-depth into many things mentioned in the Tips and Tricks page. The Useful Links section is links that are generally used by the community.  Many good resources for analysis, online simulators, and community links.  The community links have places you can go to ask questions, find places to play (both in person and online), some popular podcasts and blogs, and communities you can go hang out at. 

If you think of anything that would be helpful to add, please email me at

There are other helpful pages that provide more resoucres for everyone! Look at the tabs above.

– Levi “Obi-Win”

Video and Blog Guides

How To Play


FFG: X-Wing Tutorial 1.0 Edition 

Gold Squadron Podcast: 

X-Wing Analytica: 

Strategy Guides

Blada Squadron: Guide to Planning Maneuvers

Oli_186: Top Gun: Tournament Academy 


Viper Squadron: Turn 0: A Breakdown 

X-Wing Strategy Tips: YouTube channel


Gold Squadron Podcast: X-Wing Quick Tips

ReconPaint: X-Wing Rules

Table Top Simulator

Gold Squadron Podcast: TTS Tutorials


Useful Links

AMG Official Sites

Offical X-Wing Homepage 

AMG’s Rules and Organized Play documents. Including rules reference, errata, points, scenarios, ban list, and tournament regulations. 

AMG’s Rules Forum. A place to ask questions and receive rules clarification.

AMG Discord Channel An official place to chat about X-Wing and AMG’s other games.

List Builders

YASB (Yet Another Squad Builder). For browser. 

LaunchBay Next. For browser and mobile app. 

Tournament Hosting

Roll Better. 


Tournament and Meta Data and Analysis 

Listfortress. View tournaments and the lists used in them. 

Metawing. Meta-analysis tool. 

Pattern Analyzer.  Tournament list stats. 

Pink Brain Matter. Tournament season stats. 

Advanced Targeting Computer. Tournament data aggregation site. 

Game Aids and Tools

X-Wing Community Hub – an unofficial site with links to many great recourses 

Infinite Arenas. X-Wing game aid. Best known for printing out lists, but it has many other useful supports. 

Probability Calculator. Calculating dice probabilities and outcomes tool. 

X-Wing Buying Guide by Stay on the Leader blog

X-Wing Mapper. A tool to visualize possible final positions after maneuvers and repositioning 

2.5 Quick Start Rules (fan-made)

X-Wing AI – a fully operational way to run a non-human squadron. A great way to play games single-player. Based on HotAC’s AI

Etsy (Various Vendors)  3rd Party Token / Rulers / Storage / Alt Art Cards

Note: Using alt-cards is not approved by AMG for use in tournaments. They are great as prizes or for casual play but are often okay for local tournaments. Tokens and rulers are generally accepted in a tournament setting.

Online Simulators 

Fly Casual – AI Run X-Wing simulator based on Heroes of the Aturi Cluster

Table Top Simulator (TTS) – online simulator for PvP X-wing, purchased through Steam

Vassal – Free online board game simulator for PvP X-Wing

Game Modes

Epic Battles Rules Reference 

Heros of the Aturi Cluster Facebook group. A group for the fan-made X-Wing campaign, game links, and other custom content.  

Where to Ask Questions

X-Wing: Unofficial Rules Questions Group – a Facebook group to ask any rules questions you can’t find in the rules reference, learn to play booklet, and faq. Those resources should be your first go-to, but this group is an excellent help

2nd Edition Wiki – You can leave comments below their respective articles, and it is a great place to look up information 

X-Wing Subreddit – Also a community place for sharing lists, paint jobs, and discussion of all kinds

X-Wing Community Links

Here you’ll find links to communities, bloggers, podcasters, streamers, and multi-purpose groups.  


Gold Squadron Podcast – regularly holds online events, is a great place for community, and is best known for live streaming multiple world championships 

  • Site
  • Discord (Community)- You can find other players using TTS here in the #tts-lfg channel
  • YouTube (Podcast and Stream recorded)
  • Twitch  (Podcast and Stream live)- GSP offend stream high-level major events and have weekly live podcast recordings on Monday nights and weekly game streaming on Wednesday 

NickelCityXwing – PG14 – Runs a league every quarter. It is a great place to learn from teammates online to improve your game

  • Discord (Community)- You can find other players using TTS here in the #tts-lfg channel
  • YouTube (Stream recorded)
  • Twitch (Stream live)- weekly game streams on Tuesday and Thursday 

Planning Phase Syndicate (Podcast and Stream)- a podcast with a variety of content from training and how-to videos all the way to stream games and hot meta-takes. For new players and veterans. 


X2PO – fan project supporting 2.0 Legacy

X-Wing Miniatures Community Group – a Facebook group dedicated to helping those getting into X-Wing

X-Wing Second.5 Edition Discord – your place to hang out and discuss all things X-Wing. Also a good place to find online pick-up games

Parent-wing – a discord server for X-Wing players who are also parents and don’t mind a little extra background noise

Star Wars Gaming Squadron and Event Google Map. Map of local groups that play X-Wing and other Star Wars games. 


Exile Squadron: Dylan Jones’ blog – a public journal of Dylan’s X-Wing experience 


Off Meta Podcast – weekly interviews with members of the community, brought to you by the man behind YASB

Yet Another X-Wing Podcast (YAXP) – all things X-Wings related. Chatting with locals about the game we love. 


312 Squadron – twitch channel run by Nick Sperry, stream online games, in-person tournaments, and major events, as well as other board games and video games

BatMando.X-Wing – a YouTube channel to help new players learn, grow the community, and help people improve their game. With game mechanics and gameplay batrep videos  

Enigma Wargaming – a war gaming miniatures painter, very talented and often paints X-Wing miniatures


X-Wing card creator. For making custom X-Wing cards

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