Month: June 2024

  • X-Wing is dead.  Long live X-Wing!

    X-Wing is dead. Long live X-Wing!

    6/20/2024 X-Wing is dead.  Long live X-Wing! There was some big news last week.  I’m going to write up my feelings about it real quick.  It should be a short post.   If you haven’t heard, AMG has officially stopped developing X-Wing.   The announcement came a few hours after I posted…

  • Draft League Finals

    Draft League Finals

    Hello, welcome back!  It’s been a while since my last regular post.  I’m happy to announce that I have finished the X-Wing Buying Guide.   The guide was done by request for the X-Wing Hub.  If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a great resource for players of all levels.  The…

  • Separatist Alliance Buying Guide

    Separatist Alliance Buying Guide

    “Roger Roger.” -Battle Droid Honesty time.  I’ve only flown the Separatist faction one time.  It did not go well.  Instead of trying to make up summaries about the ships I turned to an expert in the faction.  My friend, Austin O’Dea of Stilly Squadron.  Please enjoy his thoughts! Austin’s Picks…

  • Huge Ships and Miscellaneous Packs Buying Guide

    Huge Ships and Miscellaneous Packs Buying Guide

    “Look at the size of that thing!” -Luke Skywalker  This post will go over a few things that don’t fit in the faction posts.  Mainly huge ships and scenario expansion packs.  These ships and packs focus on irregular ways to play.  They provide a great way to take a break…

  • Resistance Buy Guide

    Resistance Buy Guide

    “I’m a big deal in the Resistance.” -Finn Honesty time.  I’ve only flown the Resistance faction one time.  It did not go well.  Instead of trying to make up summaries about the ships I turned to an expert in the faction.  My blog buddy, Dylan Jones of Exile Squadron.  Please…

  • First Order Buying Guide

    First Order Buying Guide

    “All remaining systems will kneel before the First Order…” -General Hux Honesty time.  I’ve only flown the First Order faction two times.  It went pretty well.  Instead of trying to make up summaries about the ships I turned to an expert in the faction.  My blog buddy, Dylan Jones of…

  • Galactic Republic Buying Guide

    Galactic Republic Buying Guide

    “My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!”  -Obi-wan Kenobi The Jedi and the Clones of the Republic are legends for their piloting abilities.  Anakin’s not the only Jedi with skills.  Obi-wan, Plo Koon, and Mace Windu join him in space.  The dedicated Clones are also a force to be…

  • Scum and Villainy Buying Guide

    Scum and Villainy Buying Guide

    “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”  -Obi-wan Kenobi As Obi-wan would suggest, the Scum and Villainy faction is a wretched hive.  Simply called the Scum faction, there are lots of bounty hunters, pirates, criminal syndicates, and mercenaries in this faction.  Some notable pilots are…

  • Galactic Empire Buying Guide

    Galactic Empire Buying Guide

    “…the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society…” -Emperor Palpatine  The Galactic Empire.  With their swarms of TIE Fighters, they bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to the galaxy.  Classic villains like Darth Vader and his Black Squadron Aces fly alongside new…

  • Rebel Alliance Buying Guide

    Rebel Alliance Buying Guide

    “Rebellions are built on hope!” -Jyn Erso Luke, Han, Leia. Heroes of the Rebel Alliance.  The Millennium Falcon, X-wings, Y-wings. Vessels of hope in the galaxy. These iconic ships, characters and more are yours to command!  Rebels in X-Wing are known for their higher health ships, known as Beef, and…

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